LinkedIn profile writing

Home/LinkedIn profile writing

Over 92% of employers use LinkedIn. It’s no wonder given that LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the word, with over 550 million members. In Romania there are over 2 million users, of which over 50% are managers, senior professionals or recruiters.

Although LinkedIn is used daily for recruitment purposes, less than 50% of users have a full or up to date profile. An optimized LinkedIn significantly increases your chances to be noticed by the recruiting companies, to identify more professional opportunities and to find a job faster.

This service helps you

  • Be better placed in the labor market and be noticed by the employers
  • Build a bespoke and professional image by highlighting your competencies, experience and achievements
  • Get in touch with recruiters, employers or HR managers
  • Apply for jobs you may be interested in
  • Increase your professional network in the sector you are interested in.

LinkedIn profile writing features

  • 1 face to face/call/Skype 60 minutes meeting (based on a previously completed questionnaire we will speak about your career objectives, jobs of interest to you, professional experience and achievements etc.)
  • 2 reviews of the LinkedIn profile draft
  • Final LinkedIn profile version in Word format to include the various sections of a LinkedIn profile that can easily be uploaded to a real profile
  • Practical advice on how to use LinkedIn in order to improve your visibility in the eyes of the employers
  • Telephone/e-mail feedback.
The deadline for writing the LinkedIn profile is no more than 1 week, according to the complexity of the professional experience and is communicated at the end of the first session.

700 RON

* The services may be customized according to your needs.
* Services can be rendered face to face, by phone or through Skype.

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